General Tips To Overcome An Interview

Hello Friends here are some interview tips that you like to read before going to any interview .
You Can Check Our Previous Post On How to Prepare For Interview
So what if you are not a mountaineer. Or a keen hiker. You still cannot treat your interview like a careless morning trot along a jogger's path. Your jaw-jaw at the interview table is nothing less than a cautious climb up a mountain trail--which begins around your early childhood and meanders through the years at the academia before reaching a new summit in your career.And as you retrace your steps down memory lane make sure that you post flags at important landmarks of your life and career, so that you can pop them before the interview panel scoops them out of you. You don't want to be at the receiving end, do you?
Face the panel, but don't fall of the chair in a headlong rush-and-skid attempt to tell your story. Take one step at a time. If you place your foot on slippery ground, you could be ejecting out on a free fall.
So prepare, fortify your thoughts, re-jig your memory, and script and design your story (without frills and falsity). Without the right preparation and storyboard, you could be a loser at the interview. Here are a few preparation tips that books on interviews sometimes overlook.
Before the interview
1. Chronological Outline of Career and Education Divide your life into "segments" defining your university, first job, second job. For each stage, jot down :
The reason for opting certain course or profession; Your job responsibilities in your previous/current job; Reason of leaving your earlier/current job. You should be clear in your mind where you want to be in the short and long term and ask yourself the reason why you would be appropriate for the job you are being interviewed for and how it will give shape to your future course.
2. Strengths and Weaknesses
You should keep a regular check on your strengths and weaknesses. Write down three (3) technical and three (3) non-technical personal strengths. Most importantly, show examples of your skills. This proves more effective than simply talking about them. So if you're asked about a general skill, provide a specific example to help you fulfil the interviewer's expectations. It isn't enough to say you've got "excellent leadership skills". Instead, try saying:
"I think I have excellent leaderships skills which I have acquired through a combination of effective communication, delegation and personal interaction. This has helped my team achieve its goals."
As compared to strengths, the area of weaknesses is difficult to handle. Put across your weakness in such a way that it at leaset seems to be a positive virtue to the interviewer. Describe a weakness or area for development that you have worked on and have now overcome.
3. Questions you should be prepared for
Tell us about yourself.
What do you know about our company?
Why do you want to join our company?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
How have you improved the nature of your job in the past years of your working? Why should we hire you?
What contributions to profits have you made in your present or former company? Why are you looking for a change?
Answers to some difficult questions :
Tell me about yourself ?
Start from your education and give a brief coverage of previous experiences. Emphasise more on your recent experience explaining your job profile.
What do you think of your boss?
Put across a positive image, but don't exaggerate.
Why should we hire you? Or why are you interested in this job?
Sum up your work experiences with your abilities and emphasise your strongest qualities and achievements. Let your interviewer know that you will prove to be an asset to the company.
How much money do you want?
Indicate your present salary and emphasise that the opportunity is the most important consideration.
Do you prefer to work in a group?
Be honest and give examples how you've worked by yourself and also with others. Prove your flexibility.
4. Questions to As
At the end of the interview, most interviewers generally ask if you have any questions. Therefore, you should be prepared beforehand with 2-3 technical and 2-3 non-technical questions and commit them to your memory before the interview.
Do not ask queries related to your salary, vacation, bonuses, or other benefits. This information should be discussed at the time of getting your joining letter. Here we are giving few sample questions that you can ask at the time of your interview.
Sample Questions
Could you tell me the growth plans and goals for the company?
What skills are important to be successful in this position?
Why did you join this company? (optional)
What's the criteria your company uses for performance appraisal?
With whom will I be interacting most frequently and what are their responsibilities and the nature of our interaction?
What is the time frame for making a decision at this position?
What made the previous persons in this position successful/unsuccessful?
5. Do your homework
Before going for an interview, find out as much information on the company (go to JobsAhead Company Q and A) as possible. The best sources are the public library, the Internet (you can check out the company's site), and can even call the company and get the required information. The information gives you a one-up in the interview besides proving your content company or position.
Clearing the interview isn't necessarily a solitary attempt. Seek assistance from individuals who are in the profession and whose counsel you value most. Be confident in your approach and attitude; let the panel feel it through your demeanour, body language and dressing.
Getting prepared for your interview is the best way to dig deep and know yourself. You will be surprised that it would breed a new familiarity become more familiar with your own qualifications that will be make you present yourself better. All the best and get ready to give a treat.
Discretion abt written Selection Process
Written Test:
Prepare from previous papers. It’s of the same pattern.Prepare wordlist from Barrons. There was no psychometric test.We had only 1 and a half hr to complete the paper. For quants, we had to write the answers and were not of multiple choices. Logical questions were bit tough.Main problem is the time shortage to complete it fully.
There were around 8 - 10 panels for tech intrw held at TCS, Karapakkam, Chennai.Environment was excellent.
People from TCS were very soft and had a cheerful face.
In my panel, two persons of age around 35 – 40 yrs interviewed me.Tech intrw was held for around 55 min. Slightly drilling but easy.After clearing tech, I attended HR where one young man interviewed me.It went for half an hour exactly.Most of them were only personal questn and some tech Qs.On my time slot, 5 ppl attended in that same panel and only 2 cud get thro.
For another friend, the tech held for just 10min.They asked 2 gen. Qs like where he is from (Ambattur) and how he reached that office.Then 2 tech Qs 1) Shannons theory ? Ans: “I don’t know”2) Diff betn up85 & 86. He told correctly.He got selected.
So, it depends on ur luck to get a good panel.
Technical Interview
1. Introduce ur self.
2. First person started…..
He asked my mark sheets from which Qs were poured from various subj I’d studied in my BE (ECE) syllabus………
3. Favourite subj.?
4. How abt mp?
Draw the architecture of 8085?Explain each block?Interrupts and its types? Flags?
5. Write a program to multiply 2 nos?Diff betn MOV & MVI?Diff betn 85 & 86And some more………?Latest mp used?
6. Next person started…..Whats inside a CPU of PC? Inside processor? Whats a MODEM? working?
If 2 PCs connected to a server using 2 MODEMs, what is the fn of each modem?
7. Back from first person……meanwhile the 2nd person was going through my marksheets and certificates.
Lets move 2 ur fav subj…Digital -Draw the diag of OR and NOR? OR internal ckt diag ?
I managed to draw a diag which is logically correct ( with 2 transistors …..)
Universal gates? Why? Draw OR using NOR gates? What is multiplexed?
8. Slowly deviated to analog-Describe abt transistor? Types? Types of BJT? Diag for NPN and PNP?
Differentiate where they r used?
Uses of transistor according to mode of opn.?
Uses of diode?
How it is used as rectifier?
Zener diode?
What is bias?
What is thyristor?
SCR? Where used?
Diff betn thyristor & transistor?
And some more………………
9. Then programming…… How good u r with programming? I know only C.
Asked me to write a pgm.
I’m not well versed with programming. I know only conceptually.
Why pointers? Answered
Luckly, they skipped the topic.
10. Then……Network Topologies? Bus, ring…
What u know in networking?
I know only the basics as this was not choosen as our elective.
Then whats ur elective?
(I think the person was good in that subj.)
11. I was caught …………He fired several questions like…
How ECG working?
Stethoscope working?
BP ? and more…………………
How pressure converted to signal?
12. Then came to the project…Explain ur proj.
I explained clearly with proj report.
Some Qs on project.
I myself added that I did with 3 other students from different states and could manage to complete the project successfully.
13. Finally general Qs…You did a proj in digital design and why do u want to come to software?
Why not hardware?
What guarentee u give that u won’t shift to hardware after 2 yrs saying u don’t like S/w?
Another person asked what u studied in Engineering economics & mgmt?
R u interested in this subj?
I frankly said it’s a bit boring subj. ‘coz there is nothing to learn and this is the subj where we write stories.They smiled.
If we put u in proj dealing with mgmt,…..difft from what u’ve studied in BE, r u ready to do that?
U said it’s a boring subj. & now ready to switch over to that ?
First of all, working at TCS itself is a great pleasure and it would be my duty to develop interest in that subject and shine well in that area.
Finally they asked ‘any Qs 2 us’?
Yes sir!
On what electronics related proj r u working currently?
Then I smiled and said ‘then there is a chance for me to get into electronics based s/w projects’.
HR Interview
1. Introduce urself other than in application.
I told abt my positives and ideologies.While I was saying the 2nd point of my ideology, my throat got chocked ‘coz of fear.
Are u alright? Yes sir. I’m slightly nervous.Its OK.
2. Whats ur hobbies?
Playing Tennis and chess.
In chess, how its scored?
I said we’ve checkmate the opponent king.
He poured more Qs on chess.
I said, I used to play chess only with computer just as a time pass and not serious with that.
How many squares r there in a chess board?
1st I said ‘100’ and then said ‘sorry 64’.
3. How abt tennis? How many sets are played in a match?How it is scored?
said 0, 15, 30, 45, game.I made a damn mistake of saying 45 instead of 40.
He again asked to check and I was still stubborn with my ans.
What is game point? match pt? Deuce?
Who is ur fav. tennis player?Why?
But, Pete Sampras everytime defeats Agassi?
Whats ESPIRIT (Dept. assocn)?
4. What u’ve done?
Arranged VLSI conference.
Whats VLSI?
More than 1 million transistors per chip.
Explain sth abt VLSI.
5. No. of zeros in a million?6
No. of zeros in a lakh?
Got struck (due to tension) and started counting from units digit in mind.Then said 5. I frankly told him, ‘I need to count by fingers
He laughed..
6. Whats ur fav. subj? Digital
Describe OR & NOR gate in a sentence form
What is the IC no. for AND gate?
which co. produces such chips?
7. Where do u see urself after 3 yrs ?
Whats ur ambition?
Why TCS?(He really got stunned with my knowledge abt TCS)
What way u can provide a s/w that is useful to the community as well as TCS?
I gave some ideas like cognition tech for blind ppl and web-based applns,……
Why s/w?
Stressed the importance of software with egs.
What efforts u made to get into Software?
Any thing u did for the community welfare?
I gave a finishing touch. As of now, I cud help only physically. I think, if I’m being selected and once if I join TCS, I can help ppl even monitorily.
8. Finally, Any Qs to me?
Yes sir!
Whats the training period? 45 days
Whether I can avail transportation facilities from TCS? yes
Whether u do any electronics related proj @ Chennai? No. Its done at Hyd only.
The test is followed by a Technical and a HR interview.The technical interview is highly specialised and covers almost all subjects you have done in your curriculum. However one is required to name his/her favorite subject on which most of the interview is focussed.For Computer Engineers C, Operating Systems, DBMS,Microprocessors are mostly focussed upon. Electronics Engineers can be grilled on DCLD, Microprocessors and Communications. For details on the frequently asked questions please refer to our Interview section.
The HR interview which follows the technical interview is very general.In most cases questions regarding the company are asked.For details on the other frequently asked questions please refer to our Interview section.
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Wipro was previously known as Western India Vegetable Products Ltd was started by Mr.M.H Premji. The company manufactured vegetable oil, vegetable ghee and laundry soap. In 1966, upon the untimely demise of M.H. Premji, his son, Mr.Azim Hasham Premji, a 21-year-old student of engineering at Stanford University, was called upon to run the company. Under him, Wipro embarked on an ambitious phase of expansion. The business diversified into fluid power, soaps, toiletries, lighting and babycare products, and distribution was considerably expanded.Some of the important consumer products made by Wipro include soaps, babycare products, bulbs, tubelights, shampoos, powder etc. The financial strength of the consumer care division powered further diversifications, particularly in infotech and healthcare.
The Infotech era began in the late seventies and Wipro set up its IT business in Bangalore in 1980. Wipro became the No.1 listed company in the country in just 15 years. In a reorganisation, the firm went public with Wipro Technologies, the global IT services subsidiary, whose gross income grew by 65 percent to reach Rs.1042 crore($240 million).Wipro's software business was assessed at SEI CMM Level 5(.Wipro's technology divisions, global R&D and telecom solutions contributed 46 percent of the software revenue, and the balance was accounted for by enterprise solutions business. E-commerce contributed 15 percent of enterprise solutions revenue for the year. Sales and other incomes of the second division,Wipro Infotech, the Indian IT services and products business that takes care of networking solutions, customer services, computers and peripherals, grew by 20 percent to Rs.825 crore.
Wipro Technologies soon plans to tap the global capital body through an issue of American Depository Receipts(ADR) or Global Depository Receipts(GDR). It established its headquaters in Santa Clara, US, with Mr.Vivek Paul as the company's president and CEO.
The pay package is around Rs.17,000(approx.) for the year 2000 recruits.
Mr.Azim H. Premji is presently the Chairman. Mr.Premji owns about 75 percent of the Wipro stock. He also happens to be the richest Indian in the world.
pattern of CA...
Pattern :
The Written test will be conducted by "MeritTrac"
(they also conduct
the Entrance test of VERIZON).
There will be 2 sections mainly :
1. Aptitute (40 Min):
- Verbal.
- Quantitive. ( Have a look at question on CUBEs)
- Mental Ability.
2. Technical (30 Min)
- C/ C++ / Java one paper depending on our choice
In any paper emphasis will be on Programs...
In C concentrate on Pointers, memory functions
like memset ,
memcpy, etc...
MOST IMPORTANT : There will 100 % -ve marks.
This the Pattern followed to us, but this may vary..
There are 3 Rounds...
1. Technical (General) oo Concepts & types of testing,
deadlock ,
2. Those who cleared the 1st round are given around 40
pages of "Design
patterns" introduction and gave a Single Design
pattern to each and
gave 2 hours time to summarize the concept and asked
to give a
presentation on the pattern given to each.
3. If we r able perform satisfactorily in 2nd round,
there will be HR.
HR is just nominal but be careful u may be asked
questions about CA...
All the best.....
the procedure for cmc is
1)written test
2)technical test
the written test Contains 3 sections..the 3 sections
contains the following...and the duration is 90 minutes....
1)verbal analogy (25 marks)
2)Data sufficiency
3)Logical reasioning
4)Analytical reasoning
5)Comparisons(basic mathematics)
7)reading comprehension
the technical test contains the questions from OS,DBMS,OOPS,SE,C,JAVA,
after clearing the techincal test there is a interview...
interview is based on ur Areas Of Interest....
before writing the exam plz go thru papers....
Again Thanks To Biswa Sir for Providing all these helpful information to all students.
I believe you all will like this.