How Would You Like to Get Up in the Morning, Pour Yourself a Cup of Coffee, and Discover All the New Content You Have on Your Blogs – Knowing that it Came There For Free?
Fresh, Unique, and Free Content to your Blog?
But that's three wishes in one – that's not possible...
Yes, it is possible - thanks to my discovery of this amazing system about how to get 'Fresh'n'Free Unique Content' for your blog. Now you can make money blogging!
From the desk of Britt Malka
Hi fellow struggler searching for fresh content...
I once owned several of these sick blogs. Most of them just died out, simply because I no longer felt the passion for the subject any longer - or simply because I found other projects with which to become involved. I let the domains expire. After all, I couldn't have flipped a dead blog, so everything on those blogs, some after years of work, just died with them.
Definitely a unique idea
Holly Cotter
If I had known then what I know today, this would not have been necessary.
But maybe what is worse than letting the blog die, is all the feelings of guilt I went through before reaching that final decision. I paid for the domains for more than a year without ever writing anything on them.
Of course, I considered other ways to obtain content, but I was afraid that it would be much too expensive to engage somebody else write for me. And what if their writing turned out to be plain lousy?
Then I learned about PLR. So I bought some content but, if I were to just put it online as it was, without making any changes, the results would obviously lack any originality. So I would have needed to rewrite the PLR, but never managed to get around to it. Another factor that added to my sense of guilt for procrastinating.
A breath of fresh air
It has proven to be a breath of fresh air for several of my blogs.
Mike Hebsgaard Nielsen
So I bought a script to put content online automatically, and that certainly was better than no content at all. But I ran into difficulties. I chose my content from RSS feeds, but a lot of the feeds were only extracts, not full posts. So I ended up with a blog filled with other people's content pieces and with a link back to their blog.
Not at all satisfying, to say the least.
Over time, an idea started to form in my mind...
What if I could get others to write for me? For free?
The idea kept turning around in my head until one day, by chance, I stumbled over something that, all of a sudden, made my idea seem probable.
Yes, it would be possible to get fresh, free and unique content! Even daily!
The second best thing about this system is that you get fresh, free and unique content to your blog
That's free easy money!
When I started using this system, I wasn't even sure if I could be bothered writing on my dying blogs or not. The inspiration had been gone a long time ago, so I figured that I would be happy just getting fresh, free and unique content online for a change.
But, when other people started to put exciting articles on my blog, and I suddenly found myself reading articles which I had never seen before, my inspiration came back.
In the next few weeks, I managed to write more content than I had writing for the last couple of years.
However, this is not the best part about the system.
The best part is that you can put this thing together in a few minutes and, in only hours, you could have fresh content appear on your dying blog.
Up-and-running within a few hours, and the rest is on auto-pilot
It combines all the elements of unique, quality content whilst outsourcing all the work for free.
It clearly shows you how to motivate people to join forces with you, and gives a step-by-step explanation that is so easy and well-explained, that even a child could follow.
Within a few hours you can be up-and-running, and the rest is then on auto-pilot. This system is truly unique, and it will no doubt be a success. This ONE system can change online income generation, and I will implement this in one of my minor niches in revitalizing what was a dying blog. I ran out of ideas for it, but you have inspired me to seek help from others who will now get an opportunity to gain backlinks etc
Thanks ever so much for the inspiration. It's worth far more than the asking price.
Henrik Blunck
Of course, you can always take this 'Fresh'n'Free Unique' Content System' one step further and start new blogs, using the same method over and over again, thus creating an empire of all the niches you personally like.
Why stop at one successful road stone?
I want to act, I will build a new blog
The information I learned from reading this book, is something I am planning to use to build a new blog. The title doesn't lie. It is a way to get 'fresh free'n'unique content' to a website.
When Britt talks about any content related stuff, everybody should listen.
Mikkel Juhl
I'm sorry, but I don't have PLR to sell you...
My system works completely without you having to pay anyone for writing. You don't have to buy PLR or articles; you don't have to rewrite other people's articles, and you don't have to write at all - if you should decide on that solution.
This content is much better than PLR. You will get fresh, unique and free content for your blog - daily, weekly - perhaps even several times a day.
Surprise Surprise
Fresh, Free, and Unique Content... That's three wishes in one, and yes, you can get it. And even an extra surprise...
As I said before, I came up with this system to find some content for my own blogs.
Instead, I've received a very large surprise bonus which is possibly worth more than all the dollars I've already gained during the last couple of weeks.
People came back to me and thanked me for allowing them to be part of this system!
I received really sweet emails from people who were so happy to be offered the opportunity to be part of a team, because obviously this project is not just about me.
They will certainly get their well-earned rewards, too.
Yes, this system is real, and yes, I'm a real person